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Physiology of Fitness

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


1. Development of sports performance as adaptive process

2. Exercise diagnostics and its use in the sports preparation

3. Physiological bases of movement abilities

4. Physiological priniples of sports training

5. Preparation for physical exercise, training unit, fatigue, recovery from exercise

6. Age- and gender-related differences in reaction and adaptation to the exercise load

7. Endogeneous and exogeneous factors affecting reaction and adaptation to exewrcise load Laboratory practice:

1. Introduction to laboratory practice, principles od exercise diagnostics and non-loading diagnostics

2. Cardiovascular and respiratory changes during stepwise incremantal exercise

3. Energy balance - calculation of energy intake and energy expenditure

4. Indirect calorimetry [measurement of gas exchange]

5. Aerobic exercise testing (VO2max test, ventilatory anaerobic threshold)

6. Anaerobic exercise testing (Wingate test)

7. Advanced exercise diagnostics


The subject deals with both acute and chronic adaptation processes of individual organ systems of the human organism caused by physical loads. Basic information is provided on exogeneous and endogeneous factors influencing these adaptive processes.

Students are also informed on functional and energy demands of various types of motional activity, physiological principles od sports training methods and use of exercise diagnoistics in the sports preparation.