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Biochemistry of Sport

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


1. Adaptation of an human organism on organ, cellular a molecular level on physical load and/or sports events

2. Cellular metabolism during physical work (metabolic zones)

3. Skeletal and muscular system and its adaptation to physical load a training

4. Cardiorespiratory system and its adaptation to exercise, homeostasis and its regulatory mechanisms

5. Nutrition and exercise, adaptation of GI tract, liver and adipose tissue to training

6. Excretion {kidney function, sweating], thermoregulation during exercise

7. Principles of neuromuscular regulation in respect to exercise and training of an individuals Laboratory practise:

1. Assessment of energz intake from nutrition and estimation of work metabolism }{dailz energz expenditure, training unit energz output}

2. Simple methods to assess work metabolism and energz expenditure bz means of HR-VO2 relationship

3. Indirect calorimetry [measurement of gas exchange]

4. Cardiovascular changes during exercise [incremental load]

5. Respiratory changes during exercise [incremental load]

6. Theromoregulation and excretion during prolonged exercise

7. Fantigue and changes of resctivity during intensive exercise


The subject deals with both acute and chronic adaptation processes of individual organ systems of the human organism caused by physical loads. Basic information is provided on energy demands of various types of motional activity, training methods and diagnostics.