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Clinical Practice V

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |

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Výuka je zaměřena na aplikaci naučených dovedností pod odborným dohledem vyučujícího, přičemž student zejména je veden k:

1. Odebírání anamnézy u pacienta

2. Provádění základních vyšetřovacích postupů z pohledu fyzioterapie

3. Provádění základních terapeutických postupů

4. Práci s dokumentací


Teaching in the subject follows the practical and theoretical education in the 1st and 2nd year of study. Students undergo practical training in outpatient and inpatient areas of rehabilitation departments, and in other inpatient wards, where they perform and improve in the examination and therapeutic procedures from the perspective of physiotherapy in patients of a given department under the direct supervision of a physiotherapist (teacher) or doctor. Professional practice is focused mainly on improving knowledge and skills in taking anamnestic data, performing a complete kinesiological analysis, designing goals and directions of therapy, applying basic physiotherapy procedures and working with medical documentation.

The acquired knowledge and skills from both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures from the physiotherapist's point of view, which students must be equipped with after completing the course, are evaluated during the final examination.