1. Brain movement disorder (CP) - diagnostics, classification, developmental dynamics.
2. Accompanying disorders in children with CP (sensory, speech, EPI, internal, emotional, behavior, etc.).
3. Characteristics of clinical images of other neurological disorders and specifics of care.
4. Assumptions of successful rehabilitation process. Teamwork.
5. Spa care, day care centers, organization of leisure activities.
6. System of comprehensive care for children with neurological disabilities in the Czech Republic.
7. International experience in solving the issue of comprehensive care for children with disabilities. Exercises:
1.-7. Demonstration (visit clinic).
The aim of the course is to extend the knowledge and skills in physiotherapeutic procedures over obligatory subjects. The practical part is led by a demonstration of various possible approaches, techniques, and methodologies.
It also highlights the types of healthcare facilities that provide a comprehensive approach to caring for children with this kind of disability.