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Physical Therapy I

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |



1. Physical regeneration means - classification

2. General principles of application of physical regeneration agents

3. Effects, general indications and contraindications of physical regeneration agents

4. Use of heat for regeneration and reconditioning, shell and core function

5. Total application of heat - baths: seating bath, subqual massage, bubble bath, carbonic bath, gas carbonic bath, sulfur and iodine bath

6. Sauna and scotch spritzers

7. Local application of heat: paraffin wraps, Paraligno, Parafango Battaglia, Termofor,

8. Wet and dry hot compresses, peloid wraps and compresses, uilization of total and local application of cold in regeneration and reconditioning, cryochamber

9. Priessnitz tiles, Tripes tiles

10. Mechanotherapy, traction and extension, lymphatic drainage

11. Therapeutic ultrasound

12. Application of IR and UV radiation and visible light in regeneration and reconditioning

13. Biotron lamp

14. Use of laser for regeneration - mechanism of action and effects, method of application + principles of safety at workLectures Practicals:

1. Hydrotherapy - local application

2. Hydrotherapy - whole body application

3. Positive thermotherapy

4. Negative thermotherapy - cryotherapy

5. Mechano therapy

6. Therapeutic ultrasound

7. Lighttherapy


Lectures introduce knowledge of physical agents in caring for persons disabled by disease and injury, prevention, diagnostics and therapy. Practicals introduce necessary skills used in hydrotherapy, application of thermotherapy and mechanotherapy (therapeutic ultrasound). This course will continue following semester as a Physical

Therapy II.