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Physical Therapy II

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |



1. Physiotherapy - concept, position, effects of physical stimuli, theory of analgesia, neurophysiology of pain

2. Electrotherapy - background, forms and types of currents

3. Safety at work in electrotherapy, pinciples of work safety in electrotherapy

4. Ultrasound, infrasound, combination therapy

5. Galvanotherapy: galvanization and iontophoresis

6. Impulsotherapy, electrostimulation

7. Diadynamic currents

8. Pulse currents

9. Electrodiagnostics - I/t curve

10. Middle frequency currents

11. High frequency currents

12. Diathermy

13. Magnetotherapy

14. New therapeutic approaches: shock wave, high power laser, high power magnetotherapy and others according to the current situation in the medical technology market Practials:

1. -

14. Application of electrotherapeutic procedures in model situations and patients


The subject follows the course "Physical Therapy I". In the theoretical part of the course, students will acquire knowledge of the principles of using individual types of physical energies for the purpose of therapy of patients with various types of disabilities.

In the practical part, the students are introduced to the technical parameters of instrumentation, which are used for the application of physical energies, including the training of its operation. In addition to therapeutic procedures, students will acquire knowledge and skills for electrodiagnostics.

By completing the course, the student is equipped with the skills to apply physical therapy procedures using devices used in practice.