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Clinical Practice (Demonstration) I

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |

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Výuka je zejména cílena k: 1. Samostatnému vedení pacienta při vyšetření a terapii (pod vedením vyučujícího) 2.

Vedení dokumentace pacienta, zpracovávání protokolů k diagnostice a terapii 3. Praktickým ukázkám vyšetření a terapie pacientů


The aim of the course is to apply practical skills learned in the teaching of vocational subjects "Examination Methods and Basic Therapeutic Procedures I, II and III "," Physical Therapy I and II "," Soft Tissue Techniques and Reflex Massage" including vocational subjects I and II. year. The goal is to master examination of the patient, application of basic therapeutic methods in the field of physiotherapy including document management.