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Internal Medicine I

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


1. Introduction to internal medicine, etiopathogenesis of internal illnesses, universal characteristics of diseases

2. Respiratory diseases - characteristic symptoms, examination methods, diseases of the bronchia and lungs

3. Disease of pleura, Tuberculosis of respiratory apparatus

4. Endocrinology - the most important symptoms, examinational methods Hypothalamo-hypophysal system diseases. Thyroid gland and parathyroid gland diseases

5. Endocrinology - Cortex of suprarenal diseases, diseases of sympatho-adrenal system, diseases of the gonads

6. Metabolism and diet disorders - diabetes mellitus 7-8. Inflammatory and degenerative articular disease

9. Spinal diseases from the perspective of the rheumatologist 10-11. Osteoporosis and systemic diseases of connective tissues

12. Nephrology - characteristic symptoms, examination methods, glomerulopathy

13. Nephrology - Interstitial nephritis, TB of kidneys, vascular nephrosclerosis

14. Nephrology - urolithiasis, kidney tumors, insufficiency of kidneys


The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the basic chapters of the internal medicine and to present the latest news in this clinical field. Emphasis is also placed on the manifestations of individual diseases in the musculoskeletal system.

Selected typical patients in relation to subsequent physiotherapy will also be demonstrated. Introduction to internal medicine, understanding of disease, prevention, wellness, substance abuse, mental health.

Focus on the common problems of the eyes, ears, skin, nervous system and reproductive organs. Empasis on diseases which will occur in physioterapeutic practice.This course will continue following semester as an Internal Medicine II.