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Clinical Kinesiology

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |



1. Movement of inanimate object and living subject (comparison), physical laws of motion of bodies, biological laws of motion control, purpose of motion.

2. Movement of motor unit, movement of part of muscle, movement of whole muscle, movement of muscle group, movement of whole organism. Clinical manifestation of movement and holding (dynamics and statics of movement).

3. Integral view: movement as communication with the external environment. Partial views: functions of individual segments of sectors and functional units

4. Function of axial organ

5. Head: eyes, facial expressions, oral cavity, swallowing. Cervical spine (upper and lower C spine)

6. Thoracic spine (upper and lower Th spine). Lumbar spine

7. Pelvis and pelvic floor. Respiratory movements

8. Function of upper limb, plaited group, arms, forearm hand.

9. Function of lower limb, pelvic girdle, thigh, calf, leg.

10. Movements of the system as a whole muscle loop and chain.

11. Postural function, standing, sitting, supine position. Locomotion function, walking, running, jump, climbing, crawling

12. Dexterous functions, work, dexterity, communication functions of movement

13. Posture, aesthetics of movement, influence of psyche on posture

14. Influence of movement on internal organs. Relations between movement and psyche


Teaching in the subject follows the course "Clinical neurophysiology". The aim of the course is to acquire basic knowledge and knowledge about human movement.

Furthermore, to develop knowledge of the control processes of the movement system so that students will be able to apply these in clinical practice. Part of the course is also the analysis of the structure and function of individual segments of the human body, taking into account the role of their disorders in the context of the whole body.