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Selected Chapters from Physical Therapy

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


1. Current procedures and new trends in mechanotherapy, thermotherapy and hydrotherapy

2. Current procedures and new trends in electrotherapy (NF currents)

3. Current procedures and new trends in electrotherapy (NF currents diagnostics)

4. Current procedures and new trends in electrotherapy (SF currents)

5. Current procedures and new trends in electrotherapy (SF currents and stimulation currents)

6. Current procedures and new trends in electrotherapy using high-frequency currents 7-8. Current procedures and new trends in phototherapy 9-10. Current procedures and new trends in climatotherapy, balneotherapy and spas

11. Current procedures and new trends in distance therapy

12. Current procedures and new trends in occupational safety 13-14. Instrumentation - new trends


The aim of the course is to extend knowledge and skills in physical therapy procedures and to get acquainted with current, new procedures, including innovations in instrumentation.