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Gymnastics II - Basic Gymnastics

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


1. Development of the gymnastics concept, kinds of gymnastics, characteristics of the basic gymnastics. Division of the basic gymnastics. The overall warm up.

2. Content of the basic gymnastics. Flexibility, strength, stretching - arms, trunk, neck. Compulsory exercises - warm up.

3. Fitness (the term of gymnastics,components). Stretching, strength, flexibility - legs and trunk.

4. The graphical report of the exercises. Exercises in pairs.

5. Strengthening exercises. Didactic of gymnastics movements. Compulsory warm up.

6. Body posture. Conditional gymnastics with music.

7. Examination of body posture. Exercises with the ropes.

8. Fundamentals of the gymnastics warm up. Exercises on the benches and balance exercises

9. Function of the music accompaniment. Selection of the music for the warm up. Circuit training with the music.

10. Breathing exercises

11. Development of the strength. Exercises with the free weights, relax exercises.

12. Exercises with the gymnastics stick.

13. Development of the flexibility. Exercises on the wall bars

14. The fundaments of the motion programs. Circuit training with hand apparatuses. Stretching


During the process of developing the gymnastic skills that belongs to the content of the basic gymnastics, will be formed the profession skill needs for leading the warm up as well as the skills to create the conditioning programs.