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Basic Gymnastics

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Development and Current State of Gymnastic Activities: Introduction to gymnastics, types of gymnastics, and an overview of gymnastic sports. Leading and organizing gymnastic warm-up exercises. Demonstration of control exercises.

Structure and Significance of General Warm-Up: Understanding the physiological basis of warm-up exercises and factors affecting warm-up. Leading and organizing gymnastic warm-up exercises with music.

Didactic Principles for Leading Warm-Up Exercises: Psychological aspects of working with students. Leading and organizing gymnastic warm-up exercises with apparatus and applying basic didactic principles. Coordination skill development.

Terminology of Floor Exercises: Introduction to gymnastics terminology in Czech. Requirements for seminar work. Student-led warm-up exercises with an emphasis on mobility and stretching. Utilizing equipment (BOSU, expanders).

Body Posture and Its Significance: Understanding body posture and its importance. Strengthening lower limbs and correcting body posture.

Motor Skills (Introduction): Introduction to motor skills and strength development in gymnastics. Developing flexibility and strength in the upper limbs.

Stabilization System and Its Functions: Understanding the role of the stabilization system. Exercises targeting the stabilization system. Developing mobility and strength of core muscles. Partner exercises.

Aerobic Fitness (Aerobic Fitness in Gymnastics): Developing aerobic fitness in gymnastics. Exercises with equipment - ropes.

Flexibility and Mobility (Flexibility Development in Gymnastics): Methods for enhancing flexibility (stretching). Joint mobility - principles and methods of development, stretching. Exercises with equipment - dumbbells, stability balls.

Motor Functional Preparation, Strengthening Sub-Preparation: Using strengthening sub-preparation in pairs. Learning handstands.

Motor Functional Preparation, Support Exercises: Exercises on medicine balls, rings, and support exercises on the floor.

Motor Functional Preparation, Hanging Sub-Preparation: Exercises on rings and bars - hanging exercises and swinging.

Motor Functional Preparation, Rebound and Landing Sub-Preparation: Rebounding and landing exercises on the floor and apparatus.

Motor Functional Preparation, Rotational Sub-Preparation, Loading Mechanisms in Gymnastics: Rolls, twists, somersaults. Application of sub-preparation exercises in training - game forms.


The fundamental pillars of the subject revolve around competence in leadership and organization in the application of various gymnastic exercises with diverse focuses. These exercises encompass a wide range of fundamental gymnastic skills and methodological principles for developing motor abilities in gymnastics.

Everything culminates in connecting the development of motor skills and the learning of skills in gymnastic motor- functional preparation. This enables students to apply strengthening, supporting, hanging, rotating, jumping, and landing sub-preparation from gymnastic motor-functional preparation to physical education in schools.

Basic gymnastics also offers a rich repository of exercises present in all gymnastic activities, which can be applied to other physical interventions unrelated to gymnastic activities. Lastly, the subject includes fundamental theoretical knowledge regarding body posture and the biomechanics of physical exercises applied in practice, particularly in gymnastic activities.

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