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Gymnastics for Management

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Development and Current State of Gymnastic Activities, Characteristics of Gymnastic Types and Sports. Leadership and Organization of Gymnastic Warm-Up.

Structure and Importance of Comprehensive Warm-Up - Physiological Justification, Factors Influencing Warm-Up. Leadership and Organization of Gymnastic Warm-Up, Practical Application of Warm-Up with Music.

Didactic Principles Regarding Warm-Up Leadership and Organization. Leadership and Organization of Gymnastic Warm-Up with Equipment, Application of Basic Didactic Principles. Stimulation of Coordination Skills with Equipment.

Terminology for Floor Exercises in Czech and English. Student Outputs in Warm-Up. Mobilization and Stretching Exercises Without Visual Control Using Only Terminology. Utilization of Equipment (Bosu, Resistance Bands).

Body Posture and Its Significance in Practice. Student Outputs in Warm-Up. Lower Limb Strength and Correction of Body Posture in Practice.

Motor Abilities (Introduction), Strength and Development of Strength Abilities in Gymnastics. Student Outputs in Warm-Up. Development of Mobility and Strength of Upper Limbs.

Stabilization System and Its Functions. Student Outputs in Warm-Up. Exercises Targeting the Stabilization System. Development of Mobility and Strength of Trunk Muscles, Partner Exercises.

Aerobic Fitness (Aerobic Fitness in Gymnastics). Student Outputs in Warm-Up. Development of Aerobic Fitness. Exercises with Equipment - Jump Ropes.

Flexibility and Mobility (Development of Mobility in Gymnastics). Student Outputs in Warm-Up. Methods for Developing Flexibility (Stretching). Joint Mobility - Principles and Methods of Development, Stretching. Exercises with Equipment - Dumbbells, Stability Balls.

Motor Function Preparation (MFP), Strengthening Sub-Preparation. Student Outputs in Warm-Up. Possibilities for Using Strengthening Sub-Preparation in Pairs, Handstand Skill.

Motor Function Preparation (MFP), Supportive Sub-Preparation. Student Outputs in Warm-Up. Exercises on Medicine Balls, Rings, and Supportive Exercises on the Floor.

Motor Function Preparation (MFP), Hanging Sub-Preparation. Student Outputs in Warm-Up. Exercises on Rings and Horizontal Bar - Hanging Exercises and Swinging.

Motor Function Preparation (MFP), Rebound and Landing Sub-Preparation. Student Outputs in Warm-Up. Rebound and Landing Exercises on the Floor and on Apparatus.

Motor Function Preparation (MFP), Rotational Sub-Preparation, Mechanisms of Load in Gymnastics. Student Outputs in Warm-Up. Rolls (Somersaults), Turns. Application of MFP Sub-Preparations in Training - Game Forms.


The subject aims to provide an understanding and the ability to apply basic gymnastic exercises within gymnastic activities, especially those related to motor-functional preparation. Individual lessons are focused on diverse exercises from well-known gymnastic disciplines and sports (such as artistic, modern, rhythmic gymnastics) utilizing typical gymnastic apparatus and equipment.

The lessons are complemented by theoretical knowledge in various gymnastics-related topics (body posture, development of motor skills in gymnastics, specialized terminology, principles of training methods, etc.) and practical exercises focused on working with music during gymnastic routines.