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Aerobics Programs

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Classwork contents:

1. Aerobics origin and development, types, contents characteristics, separate parts of exercise unit. Basic musically-rhytmic exercises (flowing method) and games aimed at feeling the music and motion phrases.

2. Technique of basal low-impact aerobic steps, terminology, music choice. Aerobics with usage of elemental low-impact steps.

3. Basic high-impact aerobic steps terminology, age limits, high-impact term explanation. High-impact aerobics.

4. The rules of strengthening with own body weight. Technique explanation of selected drills. Body formative aerobics P - class.

5. Strenghtening with load regarding to age (single-handed barbells, elastic expanders), technique of selected exercises. Muscle endurance - Body styling.

6. Technique of Step-aerobics. Introduction of basic step-aerobic parts, terminology. Step-aerobics.

7. Aerobics for pre-school children, age patterns, motivation terminology, importance of games, motivation, working with music - pace, songs choice, usage of the oral rhythmic exercises by means of songs and saws. Aerobics for children..


Separate lessons are focused on various kinds of aerobics. Practical applications follow the theoretic groundings.

Exercise demonstrations are aimed at application within school physical education and physical training.