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Professional communication in English

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |



1. Language, language means, speaking skills, communication

2. Professional languages and their specific features, language of sport, types of texts.

3. Oral presentations ( structure, verbal and non-verbal language means, interpretation

4. PE and sport at schools, , integration sport, inclusion.

5. Athletics - work with texts ( reading comprehension, text interpretation, applying the acguired knowledge to the conditions of physical education at schools.

6. Gymnastics - working with texts. Presentations ( a speech, a warm up)

7. Movement games - work with texts. Presentations ( a speech, a warm up)

8. Sport games. Presentations ( a speech, a warm up)

9. Swimming ( Outdoor sports - working with texts. Presentations ( a speech, a warm up)

10. Demonstration exercise in sportsground with didactic instruction.

11. Demonstration exercise in sportsground with didactic instruction.

12. Demonstration exercise in sportsground with didactic instruction.

13. Demonstration exercise in sportsground with didactic instruction.

14. Trendy sports - workshop of new ideas. Course evaluation.


COURSE CHARACTERISTICS The course is designed to develop speaking skills essential for a teacher – cultured speach. At the same time, language knowledge specific for the given field will be fixed and deepened.

The prerequisite for passing the course is good knowledge of general language minimally at B1.2SERRJ level.