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Sport Governance in the Czech Republic

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


* Lectures

1. Theoretical approaches in management. Basics of sport institutions and organizations.

2. Formal organizations and their principles, provisions, and work.

3. Typology and design of organizations.

4. The development of the care of sports in the Czech Republic, with the importance of the state and third sector under the influence of social changes.

5. Basic norms for the sport framework in the Czech Republic

6. Civic associations - basics of their work and management.

7. Important covering civic sport associations - their tasks, structure, and management. European Union and sport. Sport in some european countries.


Basic theoretical views on the establishment and functioning of formal organizations. Sport is analyzed as a socioeconomic system.

It is supported by a number of subjects whose activity depends on the existing legislative environment. Attention is paid to state care of sport and the support of sport by voluntary organizations.

Parallels are drawn between the CR and selected European countries.