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Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


1. Origin of philosophy, basic concepts. Mythos and logos; physis.

2. Ancient Greek philosophy at its best: Sakrates - Plato - Aristotle.

3. The topic of the truth. Stoicism and Epicureanism.

4. Racionalism (Descartes) and British empiricism (Locke - Berkeley - Hume).

5. Kant, Nietzsche - basic concepts in relation to health and the body.

6. Philosophy of existence (Kierkegaard, Heidegger). Dasein. Authentic mode of existence.

7. Various concepts of the body.

8. Various concepts of health (Descartes versus Heidegger).

9. Patočka a human existence. Ontologic understadning of movement.

10. Eastern philosophy and its relation to health and the body.

11. Revision.


Survey of leading themes in philosophy, mainly the topics of the human being, human movement, health, and the human body in relation to the care of the self. The aim is to introduce a complexity of view of the area of the study.