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Basic of Anthropomotorics

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


* Lectures

1. Introduction, basic terminology, phylogenesis of motor control.

2. Brief introduction to motor individual development.

3. Introduction to motor skills and motor abilities.

4. Strength and speed ability and their development and measurement.

5. Endurance and coordination ability, their development and measurement.

6. Ontogenesis of motor abilities

7. Introduction to measurement in physical education. * Seminars

1. Motor laterality and its measurement.

2. Group measurement issues.

3. Basic statistical analysis of datasets from measurement.

4. Eurofit test, Unifittest 6-60, Fitnessgram (USA)

5. Selected tests for measurement of motor abilities

6. Interpretation of results of measurement

7. Credits


General and theoretical aspects of physical movement and human motorics. Motional abilities and motional skills.

Interpretation, structure, biological nature and testing of motional abilities. Division of the lifelong motor development into periods.

Theory of tests and measurements, standardization and diagnostics of motorics.