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Basics of Philosophy

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


1. The origin of philosophy. Myth versus logos. Kinanthropology.2. The concept of physis according to Heracleitus and Aristotle; implications of their concepts (nature, nature, Bacon, modern science).3. The body in philosophical reflection and historical perspective.4. Man as a multi-component being (kalokagatheiá, "Mens sana..."). Posturism and proxemics.5. Epimeleiá tés psýchés and the phenomenon of health.6. The concept and phenomenon of movement from Heracleitus to Patočka.7. Time and space in philosophical and anthropological reflection.8. Anthropological paradigms (the so-called "patterns of humanity"); the essence and nature of man.9. The phenomenon of pain and illness. The meaning and value of suffering.10. Catharsis; its reflection in history and present; its philosophical and biohygienic role.11. The problem of truth in philosophy, science and practical medicine. Pia fraus.12. Death and dying in philosophical reflection.13. Perignosis and the hermeneutic method.14. Play and experience as an entry into a deeper dimension of human existence.


Both acquiring basic notions of fundamental philosophy with focusing on its anthropological line and grasping the meaning of philosophical reflexions of medicine is the main goal of teaching of the subject. Students will also acquainted with central characters of the history of philosophy and with some proper methodological instruments.