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Managerial ethics

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Ethics in the system of humanities. Definition of basic concepts. Ethics - morality - morals.

Three basic subsystems of ethics: agatology - aretology - deontology. Reflection of "good" and "evil" in the history of philosophy and ethics, as well as in the Bible.

The Ten Commandments and their transformation in Christian ethics. The golden rule of ethics in religious-ethical systems.

Christian and ancient virtues; the virtues in demand by today's professional.

Protestant ethics and Kant's categorical imperative.

Deontology as an ethics of duty and its outcome in contemporary ethical codes. Comparison of ethical codes with a focus on codes from the commercial sphere and from management.

The relationship between ethics and law. Epikia.

Issues of corruption in general and in the business sphere .

Other unethical acts: mobbing, improper lobbying, insider torts, etc.

Basic problems of Business Ethics.


The aim is to get acquainted with the basics of ethics and its applications to management enviroment. Defining the relationship of ethics to other humanities.

Ethics of virtues and basic lines of deontology. Kant and his categorical imperative.

Application of fundamental ethics to economic studies (Business Ethics).