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Ethics, Ethics of Sport

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


* Lectures

1. The place of ethics in different disciplines and in philosophy. Basic concepts.

2. The basic systems in ethics: deontology - teleology - virtue ethics.

3. The topic of law, rule, principle. Kant's categorical imperative. Rules in sport.

4. Ethical codes, the code of sport ethics.

5. Virtues - ancient, present, in sport.

6. Education for ethical thinking.

7. Sport and moral education.

8. Fair play.

9. Cheating in sport.

10. Doping.

11. Corruption in sport.

12. Athletes as role models?

13. Violence and aggression in sport.

14. Dangerous sports, the value of risk. Pain in sport.


The course delineates the area of ethics with respect to philosophy and other humanities. The course introduces virtue ethics, deontology and utilitarianism.

Focus is put on ethics in sport and main problems of this area are discussed: fair play, cheating in sport, moral values in sport, moral problems of sport of people with disability, ethical problems of use of technologies, etc.