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Philosophy of Education

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


1. Philosophical approach to the phenomenon of education2. Basic dimensions of education: cosmic, phylogenetic and ontogenetic aspects3. Educational archetypes in history (educational age)4. Platonic paideia5. Christian educatio6. Education in the context of Comenius' "all-right" efforts7. Interpretation of Comenius' pampaedia and panspaedia8. Locke. Rousseau. Spiritual pedagogy9. "School" vs. scholasticism10. The "post-school" age and its problems11. Alternative approaches to education12. Universities for the 21st century13. Antinomies of contemporary education


The aim of teaching of the subject is to acquire deeper approach to education aiming to disturb some typical pedagogical stereotype and to point out the antinomy of (post)modern education. Basic educational archetypes and their applicability in the present.

Dialectics of relation between educans and educandus etc.