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Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |



History and Development of Kinesioanthropometry

Fundamental Terminology and Instruments in Kinesioanthropometry

Anthropometric Landmarks, Measurements, and Indices

History and Evolution of Constitutional Typology

Available Methods for Determining Somatotype According to Heath and Carter

Assessment and Representation of Somatotype

Somatotypes in Sports

Development and Heredity of Somatotype

Models of Body Composition

Methods for Determining Body Composition

Most Commonly Measured Parameters of Body Composition and Their Characteristics

Methods for Determining Biological Age

Methods for Predicting Body Height

Growth in Body Height and Body Proportions During Different Developmental Periods of an Individual, Evaluation of Anthropometric Data, Norms, Percentile Charts, Normalization Index


Kinanthropometry addresses the relationships between body structure and motor functions. The central theme

Kinanthropometry is the measurement of humans in their morphological diversity and the application of this knowledge to various forms motion while monitoring the effect of motion on this variability.