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Předmět na Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu |


Obsah výuky:Lectures

1. The introdcution to basic of Anthropomotorics, constructs of motorics, phylogeny

2. Phylogeny and ontogeny of motorics, kinesiology development - rudimentary movements

3. Motor abilities structure of physical fitness commonly used tests

4. PF tests: strength, endurance the capacity tests examples for field testing

5. PF tests: agility and speed hybrid PF tests examples for field testing

6. Fundamental movement skills and specific motor skills

7. Somatic development and biological maturation approaches for practicePractical courses

1. Development of human locomotion discussion above the same archetypal movement patterns

2. Developmental kinesiology - rudimentary movements chains its role in verticalization

3. Tests for assessing the PF, discussion above the structure factor analysis in PF

4. Tests for assessing the components of human strength and endurance focus on children, norms, cultural similarities or differences

5. Tests for assessing agility and speed focus on children, norms, cultural similarities or differences

6. Performance tests for assessing the fundamental movement skills or specific motor skill field test batteries

7. Process of somatotype measurement, determination of biological maturation level, its role in sport, methods - X-ray, indirect anthropometry methods


In this bachelor course, students meet with the basic terminology and principles in human motor development applied in physical education and sport. Motor development is, therefore, present from both phylogeny and ontogeny perspectives.

The terminology milestone with deeper description represents motor abilities, motor skills, somatic typology and biological maturation. Students will acquire, at least theoretically, the relevant diagnostic approaches to each of these constructs.