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Ethics of management

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


1. Fundamental ethics and its basic concepts (conscience, ethos, etc.)2. Managerial ethics in the system of applied, professional and professional ethics.3. Protestant ethics and the "spirit of capitalism".4. "Time is money" - "Credit is money" (B. Franklin and Protestant ethics in the American version).5. Kant's practical reason and his categorical imperative.6. Aretology - "catalogues" of virtues in history7. Applied aretology: the virtues of the professional - the ten C's of today's manager.8. Deontology - the creation of the "desater" and the emergence of ethical codes.9. Comparison of codes of ethics with a focus on the codes of corporate, managerial and professional societies.10. Detailed analysis of the Council of Europe Code of Sports Ethics and the codes of the World Economic Forum and the Czech Management Association.11 - 12 Corruption as a crime and an ethical "trap".13 -

14. Mobbing, harassment and other forms of unfair behaviour.


Fundamental ethics and its application to the sphere of economic and managerial ethics. Fundamentals of economic ethics.

Ethicsof management today. Possibilities and limits of ethical codes in the corporate and professional sphere.

The main ethical "traps" (corruption, mobbing, etc.) and their solvability.