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Organization, financing and management of sport

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |

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Manažerské funkce ve sportu  

Strategické plánování v oblasti sportu  

Organizování ve sportu  

Vedení lidí (leadership)  

Základy marketingu, sportovního marketingu  

Marketingové aplikace do sportu.  

Sponzoring ve sportu.  

Corporate identity ve sportu


The course is focused on the basic principles of financing sports clubs, sports club management in terms of leadership, focusing on target groups of customers, sports club product offerings, sponsorship and building club identity and brand image. Emphasis is placed on practical examples and demonstrations of different approaches and concepts of selected sports clubs from different sports.

The given areas are focused not only on the functioning of sports clubs, but also on the coaches themselves, as individuals. The course outlines possible directions of ideas and thoughts on how to manage a sports club and coaching activities in the current market environment.