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Economy, Economics of Sport

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |

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1. Setkání - základní informace, vymezení základních ekonomických pojmův - poptávka, elasticita poptávky - nabídka, elasticita nabídky - tržní rovnováha, tržní nerovnováhy - užitek

2. Setkání - nezaměstnanost - inflace

3. Setkání - analýza financování sportu - daně ve sportu

4. Setkání - veřejná podpora sportu - subvence ve sportu


The aim of this course is to introduce students of the study program Physical Education for secondary schools, issues of general economics and sports economics. This course introduces students to the basics of microeconomic and macroeconomic theory, as well as the basic specifics of economics and economics of sport.

Students will gain additional information about applied economics in sport. Students will be able to use the acquired knowledge when working in the field of physical education and sports or in their everyday life.