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Sport Economics

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |



Sport and its position in the national economy from the point of view of macroeconomics, the influence of sport on the macroeconomic outputs of the state.

Impacts and multiplication factors of investments in physical education and sport - macroeconomic model, microeconomic model, positive and negative externalities and ways to solve them

Conception and support of sport from public budgets - support of sport at the state level, at the region level and at the county level

Institutional and organizational security of sport

Financing of profit and non-profit sports organizations

Taxes in sport. Taxation of natural and legal persons in sports.

Demand and supply of production in sports.

Cardinalist and ordinalist theory of utility with application to sport

Economic specifics of professional competitions, structure of collective competitions

Model of functioning and financing of a professional sports club, goals of a professional sports club

Labor market in professional sport in the context of the European Union - demand and supply on the labor market, sports nationality in the context of European Union law

Financing of sports facilities - construction and investment in sports infrastructure, structure of incomes and expenses.

Classification of economic goods with application to sports

Establishment of a sports non-profit organization


Areas of economic analysis in sport

Macroeconomic scheme of goods and financial flows in the theory and practice of the sports environment

The share of sport in GDP and consumer spending, sport and employment

Typology of subsidies in sport, subsidies from the state budget, government programs of financial assistance in sport

Traditional and new sources of financing for physical education units and sports clubs

Tax laws affecting sports associations

Financing of the Olympic movement

Professional sports club as a company

Economic specifics of the functioning of professional competitions and clubs

Performance measurement in professional sports team games

Regulatory tools of North American leagues

Collective bargaining - labor market in professional team sports games

Economic evaluation of player quality

Economic situation of Czech professional sports clubs


The course is designed to help students to understand the basic concepts of financial management. Also to master the ability to apply these concepts to analyze financial problems in the sport; further understand the specific analytical techniques used by financial managers and the ability to apply these techniques to economic problems; understand the current state of the economy of different sports.