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Bachelor's thesis - Defence

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


After submitting the completed BC work, the student must register for its defense. The actual course of the defense consists of the presentation of the topic, the type of research, or the methods used that led to the securing of the results, followed by the interpretation of the results with a draft of conclusions.

The duration of the presentation varies between 15 and 20 minutes. Subsequently, the student and the committee will listen to the opinions of the supervisor and the opponent of the work, after which he will answer their questions, or respond to the questions of other members of the committee.

After answering all the questions, the student is asked to leave the defense room and the committee will discuss whether the student has defended his work and propose a grade. Subsequently, the student is invited back into the room and the chairman of the committee tells him what the committee has agreed on.

If certain deficiencies are found in the work, the student may be advised to edit some parts of the work in errata, which must be completed by a predetermined deadline.