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Basic of Remedial Swimming

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


* Lectures: 1. - 3. Diagnostics of swimming level, development of swimming literacy 4. - 7.

Crawl stroke and its modifications for health-oriented swimming 8. - 11. Back stroke and its modifications for health-oriented swimming 12. - 15.

Breast stroke and its modification for health-oriented swimming 16. - 18. Aqua - fitness (aqua-aerobics without aids and with aids, aqua-walking, aqua-jogging, aqua-gymnastics) 19.

Load control (safety, program efficiency) 20. - 21. Health-oriented exercise program in water for youth 22. - 23.

Health-oriented exercise program in water for the adult population 24. - 25. Health-oriented exercise program in water for seniors 26. - 27.

Ensuring the safety of the exercise program in the water, improving special swimming training to save drowning people 28. Fulfillment of credit requirements


The course builds on the basics of swimming, which students learned in the first year of bachelor's study. In the follow-up study, we try to connect and apply the learned skills to modifications that will help physiotherapists in working with the client in the aquatic environment.