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Swimming II

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The subject focuses on the diagnosis of technique, error correction and improvement of the individual execution of the technique of individual swimming styles. This is the use of the observation method with the immediate recording of possible errors of the given technique.

Based on the written errors, the student prepares a seminar paper, which is focused on describing with reasons how this error occurs, the student will propose a method of correcting the described errors based on the recommended literature. In the area of swimming fitness, the subject introduces students to the basics of movement training in water (swimming to maintain and develop swimming fitness, aqua-fitness, medical swimming) and water rescue.

In this case, students learn about swimming methods for developing basic movement skills such as speed, strength, endurance and agility. It is also possible to use other forms of exercise such as Aquafitness to develop physical fitness.

Part of the subject are short didactic outputs of the students, which consist in the preparation of exercises to eliminate certain technical errors. The student chooses from the menu which error he will choose several exercises to solve in the given term in a didactic interaction with the students.

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