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Basics of Didactics

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Didactics (theory of education; systematization; general and special didactics; modernization)

System of didactics of school physical education (envirocentrism, paidocentrism and curriculumcentrism in the system of school physical education)

A historical overview of the development of the school physical education curriculum in the territory of the current Czech Republic since the beginning of compulsory school attendance;

Goals (taxonomy; hierarchy, breakdown; requirements for goals; most common mistakes, Mager's goal formulation technique); synthesis of informative and formative action

Annual planning in physical education, thematic plans, preparation for teaching; modification of the compulsory and selective curriculum in relation to the interests of pupils and students;

Pupil as subject and object in education and training; Learning styles (diverging, assimilating, converging and accommodating students, differences in perception of reality, information processing); Principles of differentiation in the creation of learning projects and situations, scaling, furcation; gifted and disabled students;

Movement regime of school youth, development, international comparison;

Physical education teacher (knowledge, skills, competences, teacher's personality and their development); Social perception in effective interaction: teacher - pupil"; Interpretation of pupils' behavior and actions in a psychosocial and didactic context;

Reflection and evaluation of the teacher's work; discipline in physical education; cooperation, interest and creativity; addressing disruptive and uncooperative behavior;

Communication; development of interpersonal perception;

Teaching methods (classification, analysis, modification)

Didactic styles

Motor learning (phases, types, error correction, Kolb's cycle)

Didactic procedures

Organizational forms of physical education (school sports organizations and clubs, youth sports, international organizations of school sports and youth sports);

Synergistic and contradictory stimuli in school physical education, calls for change: worldwide, globalization trends; Modernism, postmodernism, paradigm: behavioral, socializing, reflective, critical;

Information Sources


The subject follows on from psychology and pedagogy. For students, it creates a basis for studying the didactics of individual sports, but above all it is focused on the specifics of working with a heterogeneous group of students in school physical education. Constructivist teaching emphasizes the work of students: self-regulated learning, work with own preconceptions, value-oriented education, etc., so that it is aimed at achieving the required competences of the teacher (didactic, subject-related and personality-cultivating). Students are guided to understand but also to create goals, contents of learning programs, to guide pupils to learning and their active participation in physical and sports activities. They are introduced to the means, ways, methods and procedures that can be used in the educational process in physical education and extracurricular and extracurricular physical activities. They will learn how to work with pedagogical documents and relevant information sources. They are led to self-reflection and lifelong self-improvement in pedagogical activity.

Competences created:

- Understanding the development of individual movement and sports needs of pupils and their formation.

- Application of types of sensorimotor learning, appropriate methods and forms in specific movement activities.

- Evaluation and monitoring of formative learning and education results.

Study programmes