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Sport Games II

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |

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1. The process of the game and basic rules of handball

2. Individual playing skills in offence in handball

3. Individual playing skills in defence in handball

4. Playing combinations in offence in handball

5. Playing combinations in defence in handball

6. Playing systems in offence and in defence in handball

7. Diagnostics of playing performance in handball

8. Two-handed overhead pass and underhand serve in volleyball. Meet Volleyball rules

9. Two-handed bump pass and overhand serve in volleyball.

10. Individual playing skills in volleyball - Serve receiving. Game and umpiring

11. Individual playing skills in volleyball - Set and Spike. Game and umpiring

12. Offensive combinations with standard set for the zone 2 and 4

13. Playing combinations in defence in volleyball.

14. Diagnostics of playing performance in volleyball

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Basic course with focus on didactics. The students gain basic playing skills and knowledge which are necessary for teaching of handball and volleyball in the school PE and modifying forms of leisure time activities.