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White-Water Canoeing

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Theory: 1. Basic information about canoeing a) history b) basic strokes - C2 c) technique and tactics about paddling on whitewater - C2 2. Rafting and rescue (self rescue and rescue people and thinks) 3. Basic strokes - C2 (technique and tactics about paddling on whitewater - C2) 4. Water builds - wiers, falls, waves, stopper, hole, drops. What is water level.

Practice: 1. basic strokes on flat water C2 (bowman and sternman) 2. technique and tacti on C2 in whitewater (eddy, current...) 3. basic strokes on flat water K1 4. technique and tacti on K1 in whitewater (eddy, current...) 5. raftin on whitewater with raft guide 6. rescue and self rescue of whitewater


1st part is a water touring at Ohře river. Training basics strokes on C2 (bowman and sternman). 2nd part is a course at Prague Troja - whitewater slalom course.