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Education and Learning of Activities in Nature

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |



1. Characteristics and continuity (or affinity) of the following terms: Experiential Education, Experiential Learning, Adventure Education, Adventure Learning, Expeditionary Learning, Outdoor Education, Outdoor Learning

2. Erlebnispädagogik, Adventure pedagogy, Outdoor pedagogy.

3. International and European organizations and institutions developing cooperation in the field of outdoor learning and education.

4. Characteristics of the development of the application of outdoor activities and outdoor education in Great Britain, the country with the oldest tradition.

5. Approaches, organizations, schools and trends in North America, outdoor education in Australia and New Zealand.

6. The concept of Norwegian friluftsliv and its development in Scandinavian countries.

7. Erlebnispädagogik - development of outdoor education in German-speaking countries.

8. Characteristic views of J. Dewey in relation to learning and education through experiences and experiences.

9. Kurt Hahn and "Erlebnistherapie", the possibility of its application in our conditions. Seminars:

10. Conception of learning and education in Project Adventure (USA).

11. Development of outdoor education in other European countries.

12. Methods and procedures in education by experience and experience. Comparison with drama education and project teaching.

13. Basic knowledge of dramaturgy or creating sequence of program blocks.

14. Nature - experience: different contexts, use in learning and education.


Students will become familiar with the problems associated with learning in the natural environment and learning through experience and experience.

It is an area that is associated abroad with terms: outdoor learning, outdoor education, adventure education, experiential education, experiential learning, Erlebnispädagogik, friluftsliv, etc. In the Czech Republic is included under roof terms: outdoor education and learning, experiential learning, experiential education, sometimes outdoor pedagogy.

They will also learn about the international context of theory and practice of outdoor activities. Characteristics of foreign of schools, organizations and movements will be confronted with the situation in the Czech Republic.