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Oriental PE Systems

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


1. Differences in the human understanding in Far East and Europe. Basic philosophical categories: . chi, yin and yang. The three energy centers of the body

2. Term chi, chi-feeling. Ten-Qui-gong.

3. Training set of eight pieces of brocade. Breathing in Qigong.

4. Training set of Qigong under Li Nai-Jung. Breathing supine: the radiation Tian-tan to Lao-kung.

5. Japanese exercise set to strengthen the internal organs. Radiation from the Tian-tan to Jung-chuan. Basic shiatsu.

6. Training set I-Chin-Ching. Qui-gong and martial arts. Breathing from all directions into the Tian-tan and from Tian-tan.

7. Tai-chi-chuan exercises. Explanatory exercise Tai-chi-chuan and 24 forms. Schultz relaxation method and šávásána.

8. Tai-chi-chuan exercises. Breathing in kick and punch-techniques.

9. Tai-chi-chuan exercises. Breathing in nage-waza and kansecu-waza.

10. Tai-chi-chuan exercises. Using chi and breath in punch-techniques.

11. Tai-chi-chuan exercises. Using chi and breath in nage-waza and kansecu-waza.

12. Tai-chi-chuan exercises. Breathing and chi in bogjo-waza.

13. Tai-chi-chuan exercises. Summary.

14. Credits


The course represents a slight counterweight to the Western concept of medicine and physiotherapy. The central theme of the lessons is an insight into the functioning of the human body by traditional Chinese medicine and oriental physical education systems.

Special attention is paid to working with breath in connection with body movements in various dynamic and static exercise forms.