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Basics of Sport Medicine

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Moodle 2 address of lectures: The code or link to MS Teams (on-line lectures) will be sent just before the lecture The lectures will being be held at the date and time according to the standard syllabus: On Fridays at 2 PM.

1. Introduction, Reaction and Adaptation of cardiorespiratory system to exercise

2. Spiroergometry

3. Clinical Anthropology, Modelling

4. Doping

5. Nutrition in Endurance Sportsmen, Nutritive Supplements

6. Nutrition in Power Sportsmen, Nutritive Supplements

7. Exercise and Climatic Factors, High Altitude, Diving

8. Sports Activity in Various Civilisation Diseases (Hypertension, Coronary artery disease, Diabetes mellitus, Obesity, Bronchial Asthma, Epilepsy etc.)

9. Prevention of Civilisation Diseases, Prescription of Exercise Activity

10. Drinking Regimen

11. Exercise in Females, Seniors, Children

12. Injuries and Sports Activity

13. Field Testing * Practicals

1. Spiroergometric Test Group A (practical lessons)

2. Spiroergometric Test Group B (practical lessons)


The subject deals with assessment of organism´s response to physical exercise, provides explanation of the effect of physical exercise regimen on prevention and progress of non-infectious chronic diseases; influence of particular physical activities on growth and development of the human organism, pathologic conditions, sports orthopaedics and traumatology.