1. Introduction. History of health-enhancing PE, its aim and tasks. Exercise unit. Forms and types of exercises.
2. Evaluation methods in remedial PE.
3. Locomotor system impairments.
4. Respiratory system impairments.
5. Internal disorders (cardiovascular, metabolic disorders)
6. Physical activity and exercises in pregnancy.
7. Physical activity and exercise in older age. Practicals:
1. Basic positions for compensatory exercises - lying positions.
2. Sitting positions, their modification for alignment segments of human body.
3. Standing positions, their modifications and fixation of an attention to the feet, pelvis and head.
4. Tonic postural muscles and phasic postural muscles; their possibilities to balancing by movement.
5. Corrective exercises to equilibrium of muscles which influence the right function of the cervical spine.
6. Corrective exercises by hyperkyphotic carriage in thoracic spine.
7. Basic movements by pelvis. Corrective exercises by hyperlordotic curvature of the lumbar spine.
8. Symmetrical, harmonious, slow, fluent and controlled movement during sclliotic carriage of the spine.
9. Recapitulation of corrective exercises by different deviations at the carriage of the spinal column.
10. Diagnostics of breathing movements; BE without accompanying movements of parts of the body.
11. BE facilitating breathing in abdominal region. BE with accompanying movements of parts of the body.
12. BE facilitating breathing movements in middle and upper parts of the ribcage. Whole breath control.
13. Different forms of volitional relaxation exercises.
14. Requirements for conferment of the credit.
Aim of the subject is to present specific methods of health-oriented exercise to improve functional status of an individual.
Students will acquire knowledge on how to prepare movement activities both pupils with health impairment such as poor posture, asthma, internal disorders, or for people of older age.