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Basic of Hygiene, Regeneration and Massage

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |



1. Introduction to hygiene and epidemiology. Environmental factors.

2. Environment. Environmental pollution. Methods of measurement and evaluation of environmental factors

3. Water and health. Health hazards of contamination.

4. Hygiene of nutrition. Dietary guidelines. Health hazards - food safety.

5. Occupational health. Working environment.

6. Sports facilities - hygienic aspects. Personal hygiene of sportsman.

7. Lifestyle and regimen of sportsman. Sleep. Negative phenomenon: Tobacco smoking, alcoholism, drugs.

8. General epidemiology. Epidemiological working method.

9. Special epidemiology. Forms of infection. Preventive anti-epidemic measures.

10. Travel medicine (brief characteristics of most common risks; prophylaxis).

11. Introduction to sport regeneration. Regeneration - forms. Regeneration tools: Pedagogical, Psychological, Pharmacological, Biological (medical)

12. Water and thermal procedures.

13. Physical and balneologic procedures. Electro-procedures. Light procedures Nutrition and fluid intake regimen in regeneration.

14. Massage. Types. Indication. Contraindication. Hygiene conditions of massage. Massage techniques.


The subject introduces the basics of hygiene and epidemiology, explains the fundaments of preventive medicine.

The prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases, lifestyle, including nutrition, is accentuated. Regeneration is a part of healthy lifestyle. Regeneration procedures and massage are described.