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Basic Social Analysis

Class at Protestant Theological Faculty |


Description of the Study Unit

The aims of the study unit are that the student:

- Is familiar with the main schools of sociology

- is able to understand the impact of social and economic structures on everyday life

- is familiar with the basic concepts used in the definition and analysis of poverty

- knows how the changing division of labour and structure of employment affects welfare and marginalisation

- is able identify the risk factors involved in marginalisation and social exclusion and relate different phenomena to social pathology and exclusion

- is familiar with the role of social policy in relation to exclusion

- Can relate the views of poverty in the Bible to the historical contexts in which the texts were produced

- Can apply the views of the Bible on poverty to the present context

This study unit content includes:

- Basic sociological approaches (main schools of thought)

- Relation of social and economic structures to everyday life

- Concepts of poverty and social exclusion

- Work, activity and employment and marginalisation as a factor in producing social exclusion

- Social policy and social exclusion

- Views of poverty in the Bible

Process of the Study Unit

Week 14

Mag. Tony Addy 16 h

Basic sociology and social analysis

Relation of social and economic structures to everyday life

Concept of poverty and social exclusion

Work, activity, employment and marginalisation as a factor in producing social exclusion

Week 17-18

Mag. Tony Addy

Assignment on basic social analysis 4 cr.

Supervising on Fronter 2 x 1 h

Dr. Kari Latvus

Online lecture concerning poverty in Bible 3 h

Week 19

Mag. Tony Addy

Basic sociology and social analysis 8 h

Contact teaching week 14 and week 19 + online lecture 3 h = 27 h (1 cr.)

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