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Old Testament Theology

Class at Protestant Theological Faculty |

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Kult ve Starém zákoně

– Kult v pohledu sz biblistiky (Eichrodt; von Rad; Brueggemann; Gerstenberger; Berlejung; Schmid)

– Kult v pohledu kulturní antropologie (Jan Assmann, Mary Douglas, Arnold Van Gennep,  Catherine Bell, G. Klingbeil)

– Oběť (anatomie a fyziologie) v pohledu vybraných biblických textů

– Chrám (kde, kdy, kdo) v pohledu vybraných biblických textů

– Kult v textu, text v kultu  


CULT IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. A required-elective graduate course dealing with the basic theological concepts of the Old Testament, their sources, forms of expression, and interrelationships, both in the Old Testament itself and in the theological conversation that follows.

The course is taught in the form of lecture and exercises (it requires independent reading of assigned texts and their presentation in the form of a paper).