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International Interdisciplinary Block-Seminar - "The Will of God: The importance of the Old Testament ethics for today?"

Class at Protestant Theological Faculty |


One-time course taught in English in the form of an international block seminar -- three-day workshop of students & teachers of the universities Prague, Heidelberg and Zürich.

The seminar will take place on 7-9 May 2024 at the Tutzing Conference Centre in Bavaria (Evangelische Akademie Tutzing).

Subject/course: Old Testament Theology

Topic: "The Will of God. The Importance of the Old Testament Ethics for Today?"

It will be held with the active participation of Prof. Manfred Oeming (Heidelberg), Prof. Konrad Schmid (Zurich), Prof. Martin Prudky, Prof. Petr Sláma, Prof. Filip Čapek and Prof. Jan Rückl (Prague).

Students are expected to make an active contribution.

All participants will study the required literature and prepare their presentation on one of the subtopics (30 minutes).

The moodle e-learning portal is used to prepare and communicate with all participants; more detailed information and materials (programme, timetable, etc.) are continuously published there.

Students can also use the consultation with the lecturers to prepare before the symposium.