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Mezinárodní seminář o Jeruzalému v archeologii a Starém zákoně

Předmět na Evangelická teologická fakulta |

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International Seminar on Jerusalem in Archaeology and in the Old Testament takes part in the winter term 2021-2022 and is organized by five subject: TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY, CHARLES UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY OF HEIDELBERG, UNIVERSITY OF TÜBINGEN and UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH.

It starts on 14th October and runs for 12 weeks and is a combination of frontal parallel meetings of respective university and ZOOM meeting of teachers and students together. In the ON-LINE meetings the main subjects will be presented in a form of 45 minutes lecture of one of the teachers (and also invited lecturers), and few minutes response of each of them and the students (up to 90 minutes every time). In the frontal meeting discussions with the students on the same subjects will take part and papers will be read and discussed.

Time of the seminar: weekly at 17-19 (18-20 in Israel time) starts on 14th of October and ends accordingly to terms of respective university. In Prague, the last day is the 13th January 2022.

The main lectures are scheduled as follows: 21th October: A mini symposium by all the professors about the personal perspective of “Jerusalem between Bible and Archaeology” + short discussion after every lecture (17-20, in Israel 18-21) 28th October: Prof. Dr. Jakob Wöhrle, Universität Tübingen: "Hezekiah’s Jerusalem: Fact and Fiction" 4th November: Sabine Kleiman Ph.D., Universität Tübingen: "David's Jerusalem! 11th November: Prof. Dr. Konrad Schmid, University of Zurich: "Jerusalem in the Book of Isaiah" 18th November: Prof. Dr. Angelika Berlejung, Universität Leipzig: "Jerusalem in the Middle and Late Bronze Age, especially mirrored in the

Amarna letters" 25th November: Assoc. Prof. Filip Čapek, Charles University, Prague: "Temple(s) in Iron Age IIB Jerusalem - Evidence, Controversies,

Proposals" 2nd December: Jan Rückl,Ph.D., Charles University, Prague: "The Reconstruction of the Second Temple in light of Haggai, Zechariah and Ezra" 9th December: Prof. Oded Lipschits, Tel Aviv University: "The Babylonian Destruction" 16th December: Prof. Dr. Manfred Oeming, Heidelberg University: "The spiritual centre of the diaspora -  the image of Jerusalem in the book of Tobit"