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Wa Are Reading Helmuth Gollwitzer

Class at Protestant Theological Faculty |


D. Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) was one of the most influential protestant theologians of 20th century and one of the few martyrs among the modern European theologians.

Several of his thin books and two posthumous published fragments are still published, translated, interpreted and - loved by Christians of all continents irrespective of their church membership, of cultural and political context, of their affiliation with a theological school or theological discipline. For some is Bonhoeffer original modern Lutheran, for others a idiosyncratic Barthian scholar, for some a kind of church and ecumenical theologian, for others a prototype of Christian which is beyond of all church membership; from the right wing are referring him protestants sympathizing with liturgical movements and Taizé; from the left wing post-theistic protestants propagating non-religious Christendom and secular political engagement.

He is opposing the classification among liberals and traditionalists. There are only few theologians who we can take such a profound look in their private life as Bonhoeffer, but still Man Bonhoeffer remains for us a mystery.

His for the first sight simple texts are often difficult to interpret. He is sympathetic and inspiring also then, when we are refusing his apodictic judgments.

In his time he was beyond a common image of protestant theologian, today we see in him one of the representatives of the contradictory century of theological giants.