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Systematic Theology Seminar 1

Class at Protestant Theological Faculty |

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Číst budeme nejprve první dvě kapitoly: theologickou epistemologii a theologickou antropologii; o tom, jaké další kapitoly otevřeme, se domluvíme během prosemináře.


ZS 2013-2014

§ 1 O čem je systematická theologie

§ 2 Normy theologického soudu

§ 3 Boží totožnost

§ 4 Způsob Boží totožnosti

§ 5 Osoby Boží totožnosti

§ 6 Jedné bytnosti s Otcem

§ 7 Patrologický problém

§ 8 Christologický problém

§ 9 Pneumatologický problém

§ 10 Ježíš

§ 11 Ukřižování

§ 12 Vzkříšení

§ 13 Bytí jednoho Boha

§ 14 Naše místo v Bohu


Gerhard Ludwig Müller (1947) is considered as one of the most reputable contemporary German roman-catholic theologians, since 2012 prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Since 1986 he has been professor in dogmatic theology in Munich, 2002-2012 roman-catholic bishop of Regensburg. (1) The Editor of the writings of J.

Ratzinger (2) Expert in German Protestant theology ("Bonhoeffer´s Theology of Sacraments") (3) Sympathizer of liberation theology and a friend of its founder G. Gutiérrez (co-wrote: "On the Side of the Poor.

Liberation Theology", 2004). His comprehensive Dogmatics (in original "Catholic Dogmatics") "currently the only coherent and comprehensive textbook of Dogmatics in our country" (D.

Duka), develops on 888 pages in 12 comprehensive chapters including all classical dogmatical tracts the topic of "Self-communication of God".