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History of Christian Ethics

Class at Protestant Theological Faculty |


The lecture presents the main line of the Christian moral thought (on a number of selected characteristic cases) from its origins to the presence. The aim is to show the development of the Christian moral thougt in the history with its continuity and discontinuities.

I – to the Reformation: The ethics of the patristic period; Aurelius Augustinus; Gregory the Great and his age; the schoalstics (Thomas Aquinas); the moral crisis of the medieval church;

II – the Reformatin: the ethics of Martin Luther; Phillip Melanchthon, Huldrych Zwingli, Martin Bucer, Jean Calvin; the ethics of the radical Reformation.

III – Christian ethics in the modern period: Lutheranism and Calvinism in the years of Protestant orthodoxy; 17th century in England – the Puritans, Quakers and rationalism; the ethics of pietism, methodism and awakening.

IV – theological ethics in the modernity: Enlightenment and idealism; The Protestant ethics in the 19th century; the

Ethics of the religious socialism; Ethics of the dialectical theology; The Lutheran ethics between the wars and D.

Bonhoeffer; the Ethics od existential theology; Christian Ethics in the post-war period.