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Reading in Latin

Class at Protestant Theological Faculty |


The course follows the basic Latin language course. It confirmes the acquired knowledge in the field of morphology and syntax and deepens it on the basis of textual material of classical Latin with an accent on ecclesiastical and medieval Latin. With respect to the content, the most important are the texts of Vulgate and the early church and medieval church texts. From the point of view of the genre, in the first place are the genres known from the Bible (Gospels, apostolic letters, narrative matter), but also apocalyptics, wisdom literature, sermons, treatises, hymns, or texts from other fields (history, poetry, genealogy, etc.).

Aims: The graduate of the course is able to orientate himself in the Latin text, to determine its genre, context and meaning in the church and general history. By mastering the rules of this reading, the students prepare themselves for critical reading of biblical and other texts, which is a prerequisite for an independent professional work in seminars in various theological disciplines studied at the PTF (church history, practical theology, ecumenical theology, Christian art, ecclesiastical law, etc.).