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The Salvation

Class at Protestant Theological Faculty |


Salvation is one of the theological concepts that are currently not understandable without further explanation. While the certainty that salvation is founded in Jesus Christ is part of the essence of the Christian faith, theological concepts diverge on the question of how this salvation is given, mediated and appropriated, or how it manifests itself in the life of the Christian and the Church.

The topic of salvation is usually the subject of a separate dogmatic treatise - soteriology, which is, however, more a place where other doctrines meet and intersect: christology, the doctrine of grace, pneumatology, ecclesiology, sacramentology and eschatology. The lecture will try to take all these aspects into account while presenting the key theories of salvation, their merits and limits.

Ultimately, it will aim to show how the Church today can speak of salvation in ways that make its word both consistent with the biblical message and relevant to people not rooted in the Christian tradition.