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Economic Issues - Thesis Preparation

Class at Faculty of Humanities |


The thesis prepration is tailored for students who are preparing their bachelor's thesis and are tutored by a lecturer from the

Department of Social Sciences. The consultations are generally on a one-to-one basis and their frequency is agreed upon between the student and the lecturer. Students are required to actively engage in work and provide evidence of their steady advance in their thesis. Enrollment is conditioned by a prior consent of the lecturer.

Suggested readings

Plíva, Z., Drábková, J., Koprnický, J., & Petržílka, L. (2019). Metodika zpracování bakalářských a diplomových prací.

Hubík, S. (2006). Hypotéza: metodologický nástroj výzkumu ve společenských vědách. Jihočeská univerzita, Zdravotně sociální fakulta.

Bailey, S. (2014). Academic writing: A handbook for international students. Routledge.

Disman, M. (2011). Jak se vyrábí sociologická znalost. Karolinum Press.

HENDL, J. (2006). Přehled statistických metod. Praha. Portál.