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Video Based Seminar on Conteporary Economic Systems and Processes

Class at Faculty of Humanities |


1.       Introduction

2.       The economics of dating

3.       The economics of happiness

4.       The economics of good and evil

5.       The economics of immigration

6.       The economics of religion

7.       The economics of inequality

8.       The economics of education

9.       Alternative monetary systems

10.   Bitcoin and crypto currencies

11.   Stock market

12.   Gender pay gap I, II

13.   Political systems I, II


Annotation Economic processes play an important role in the spheres of life which we would normally not adhere to economic domain. In this course we will touch the economic mechanisms governing such spheres of life like dating, marriage, happiness, the ideas about good and evil, immigration, religion inequality. We will also dig into gender pay gap, political systems, cryptocurrencies, alternative monetary systems and the stock markets. The aims on the course is to

1. link economic theories to topics usually covered by other social sciences,

2. develop the ability to critically watch video contents,

3. improve the ability to structure and lead the discussions and

4. improve writing and presentation skills.